Taking a chance on a flyer – CHAMP

Art, Arts, Bristol, Events, Inspirational, Launch, Meditation, Music, Nature

Last night (20th June 2015) I was coaxed into attending an event by a very curious piece of advertising. Picked up at The Island, Bristol, this flyer, with its sparseness and contrast, was too intriguing to ignore.


What I found, in a small, active industrial yard, was a gathering of people brought together for a performance and a barbecue, on the eve of the solstice.

Sam, the main man of the occasion, put the event together prior to the beginning of what he described to me as an adventurous wander of survival without money, a phone or a map. The idea, to leave of without worrying about how much money you have, who you’re in contact with and where you are, is greatly inspiring as a thing to do, and the fact that there was no pretention in the attitude of the friendly, jovial crowd bolstered the moment.

The event itself is tied to a group of artists in Bristol, CHAMP, whose newly renovated garage studio is as I awkwardly put it at one point, ‘nice’. Which is what it is, a well as more valuable adjectives.

It’s the second time I’ve joined the outskirts of a group shepherded by some leader figure called Sam. The first time being the night of my secondary school prom, in the face of rejection I’d gone off to a gig instead, and while there lied to a group of guys about my age so I could feel less insecure. Sam bought me a drink but I’d had to politely decline.

This time around it was homemade wine that I was avoiding for medical reasons and the barbecue, (from which I had a grilled pepper bun) was a happy addition to the performance. A good move. The details of the performance itself is really only for the performance. That it effectively involved a morning ritual with a much heightened intensity, is enough description to honour intentions I figure.

All of that which Sam took on his sojourn of indefinite length today was lain out on the floor until by the end of the performance it was packed away into his bag. In generosity Sam also provided me and others with a free shirt for our engagement, which was a fine thing to do.

Sam, and the rest of those more of the inner circle, were at the allotment mentioned on the flyer this morning at sunrise, to wave Sam away I guess.

It’s a shame I couldn’t be there, but I was more committed to getting to my bed than hanging around for somewhere to couch/floorsurf with the group. So on this, the longest day of the year, I wish Sam the vey best of luck, and am glad that things like this happen, because, if they didn’t, then just how boring would life be?

And then we pulled the words and stuff…

Arnolfini, Art, Events, Exhibition, Launch

So, it’s getting on great. Going to have lot’s of lovely stuff for you to enjoy and such for the weekend it’s on… 2nd July – 5th July. Proper nice.

This Exhibition what Young Arnolfini, and also IKON Youth Programme and also Black Kettle Collective is putting on is about Communication


 Why do a communication exhibition when Emma Smith just did one?

Because it’s such a broad topic, stupid question by the way… But that’s no way to speak to an honourable guest like yourself. I do apologise

 “This now is the time for making.”


 A day of events on Saturday the 4th July you say? In a month you say? My word, how exciting.

This space will be transformed into a hove of ideas all connected to the ways we, as humans, communicate as humans, communicating, humanly, with each other. A place of learning space. A…

  Also… don’t miss… tomorrow at Arnolfini, (Friday 5th – 7th June, irrelevant if these dates have passed)…


…and this wonderful piece of graffiti that somebody managed to get into the building and perform… (not an endorsement of illegal activity, speak to our lawyers)20150520_180125045_iOS
Thanks, bye.

Young Peoples Festival of Idea’s: The Suppressed Majority?


What does it mean to be a modern man?

Does being a man mean working 9-5 and bringing home the cash for your wife and kids? Does it mean hitting the gym until your body is chiselled? How about growing and grooming that beard until it looks like you’ve put zero effort into making it perfect? Or perhaps it means being a Meninist?

Young Arnolfini Respond: Conscious Mass

Workshop, Young Arnolfini Respond

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We’re doing a lot of exciting stuff, you should come, mass bonanza.

This Saturday February 7th we’re running workshops/activites in response to Willem de Rooij’s current exhibition at Arnolfini, feat. ‘Origami? Origameverybody!’, ‘Best of Brecht’, ‘Stories from the crowd’ and more! So see you there.

RSVP thorough our Facebook event here.

14.1.15 Meeting Selfie

Arnolfini, Art, Selfie, YA Meeting

10313136_768261326589194_5066474602915498088_n 14.1.15 Meeting Selfie  :  We’ve been busy creating content for the new parts of our Arnolfini young people’s gallery guides for the last two weeks, here are some origami flowers (can you guess which part of the exhibitions we’ve been looking at recently…?) Here’s a PDF version of our Young Arnolfini Gallery Guide Part 1 of 3: A response to not knowing, in case you missed it when it was in the gallery.

Is that really what I sound like?

Arnolfini, Art, Audio Tours, Bristol, Events, Performance

You know when you’re slapped in the face with what you actually sound like? Well yeah, that happened the first time I heard the final edits of our audio tours. But here they are, and the great thing about them being on SoundCloud is that if you did miss our Young Arnolfini gallery tour in person on December 6th you can head along to the gallery and listen to them anytime (there are also a few mp3s at the front desk so if you don’t have a smart phone you can still join in). There is no excuse not to have us guide you around the galleries now, so what are you waiting for?

26.11.14 Meeting Selfie

Selfie, YA Meeting


26.11.14 Meeting Selfie  :  Last Wednesday we spent our Young Arnolfini meeting organising our Arnolfini Josephine Pryde and Willem de Rooij exhibition tours which will be on Saturday December 6th, the tours are experimental and performative tours that will pick apart the key themes and explore the relevance of the shows to us… or something like that.
The tours are free and there is no need to book, just turn up on the day.

PS. YA are always chatting on Twitter, follow us on #YoungArnolfini and see all our meeting selfies as they happen.