Antony Gormley – National Museum Cardiff


Opening just over two years ago, National Museum Cardiff now has it’s very own Contemporary Art Galleries. Visiting last week I surprised myself by finding this section of the museum to be one of the most interesting and inspirational.

One of my favourite pieces that is on display until January is Antony Gormley’s Flat Tree. He has taken the trunk of a tree, and laid it out in a huge spiral, starting at the centre with the top of the tree.

Unfortunately you are not allowed to take photographs in the gallery, but the descriptive piece that accompanied the work explained about Gormley’s intentions of (I wish I could remember the exact words used) rearranging the tree, and presenting it to us in a new light. We see the beauty of the tree in a new way, and also its size – with the sculpture stretching to at least 6 or 7 metres wide, at my rough guess!

I would definitely recommend a visit to the gallery, it’s free, is only a short train ride from Bristol and contains a real variety of work from some inspirational artists. Image

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